Criar a un niño bilingüe: ventajas para su cerebro
La neurociencia nos permite saber más sobre cómo funciona el cerebro al aprender varios idiomas desde pequeños, y el coste que supone en otras habilidades. Hasta los cuatro meses de edad, el cerebro de los niños es capaz de registrar todos los sonidos imaginables. Es la etapa en la que los bebés son potencialmente más […]
¿ Cuándo sabes que eres bilingüe ?
Un día te despiertas de la siesta y no puedes creerlo: has soñado en un un idioma distinto al primero que usabas empezaste a hablar. Estás en el extranjero, cuentas un chiste en inglés, todos se ríen. Tú también. Congelas la imagen. Risas y una pregunta: ¿ya domino esta lengua? Hay todo un proceso detrás, […]
Bilingual patients fare better after a stroke
Speaking more than one language has a number of practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world, but science shows it may also help your health.
Recent research has found bilingualism may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and now a new study published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke shows that speaking multiple languages may help protect the brain after a stroke.
Ten amazing facts about bilingualism
Fuente: Wondering whether it’s worth raising a child bilingually? Here are some amazing facts about the benefits of speaking more than one language. 1. Bilingualism actually grows grey matter! In the recent past, parents and teachers assumed that teaching children to another language at an early an age would delay their language skills and […]
Bilingual Children: Why You Really, Really, Really Should Start When They Are Young
Some studies point to the brain benefits of children who are raised with more than one language. Other studies explain how children naturally lose the ability to hear (and thus pronounce) the myriad of sounds around them as time passes. Start their language exposure before that happens! Other studies claim that children who master more than one language are “smarter” in targeted ways and therefore have the chance to excel in a variety of areas, including education.
The cognitive benefits of being bilingual
Fuente: Descargar PDF By: Viorica Marian Ph.D. and Anthony Shook Today, more of the world’s population is bilingual or multilingual than monolingual. In addition to facilitating cross-cultural communication, this trend also positively affects cognitive abilities. Researchers have shown that the bilingual brain can have better attention and task-switching capacities than the monolingual brain, thanks […]
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