

¿ Cuándo sabes que eres bilingüe ?

Un día te despiertas de la siesta y no puedes creerlo: has soñado en un un idioma distinto al primero que usabas empezaste a hablar. Estás en el extranjero, cuentas un chiste en inglés, todos se ríen. Tú también. Congelas la imagen. Risas y una pregunta: ¿ya domino esta lengua? Hay todo un proceso detrás, […]


Science says parents of successful kids have these 13 things in common

Good parents want their kids to stay out of trouble, do well in school, and go on to do awesome things as adults.
And while there isn’t a set recipe for raising successful children, psychology research has pointed to a handful of factors that predict success.
Unsurprisingly, much of it comes down to the parents.

Por PixelBrain | Para padres / For parents

Una práctica que recomendamos: ¿Con qué pueden ayudar en casa los chicos según su edad? (en inglés)

Recently, TODAY Tastemaker and child development expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa encouraged parents to bring chores back to children’s lives. Gilboa says that requiring chores helps produce children who will be «problem solvers of good character.» But which chores are appropriate for children at which ages? Gilboa has resources on her website, and she gave TODAY Parents a shorthand guide

Por PixelBrain | Para padres / For parents

Beneficios cognitivos y sociales de las personas bilingües (New York Times)

BEING bilingual has some obvious advantages. Learning more than one language enables new conversations and new experiences. But in recent years, psychology researchers have demonstrated some less obvious advantages of bilingualism, too. For instance, bilingual children may enjoy certain cognitive benefits, such as improved executive function — which is critical for problem solving and other mentally demanding activities.

Por PixelBrain | Bilingüismo / Bilingualism

The 5 Things Your Kids Will Remember About You

Fuente: http://time.com/4097995/parenting-kids-remember/ What parenting habits are the most significant to kids? 1. The times you made them feel safe (or the times you made them feel unsafe) There’s a vulnerability and a need for protection in the heart of every child. Your kids will remember those moments you chased the monsters from under their bed or […]

Por PixelBrain | Para padres / For parents

Bilingual patients fare better after a stroke

Speaking more than one language has a number of practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world, but science shows it may also help your health.

Recent research has found bilingualism may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and now a new study published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke shows that speaking multiple languages may help protect the brain after a stroke.